To All Our Campers
We know many of you look forward each year to our Joe Harris Basketball camp. However, after 8 amazing years, we as an organization have decided the Joe Harris Basketball Camp era has come to an end. We want to thank everyone who has attended, helped out and supported the camp in so many ways. We cannot thank you enough for all your support.
Our non-profit will carry on to: serve, support, and contribute to the development, well-being, and positive life-experiences of children in the greater Chelan Valley. JHBB is committed to providing youth an opportunity to gain experience, grow and thrive. We will continue sponsoring a local student scholarship, as well as advocate for underserved youth in our area while partnering with the school districts in the Lake Chelan and Manson communities.
Potential lives in all of us. Our goal is that each child has the opportunity to see theirs.
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